We would like to thank you for taking the time to participate as an evaluator
of our Choral Trainer Multimedia Project. Your feedback during this evaluation
will help us to make revisions and enhancements to our program. As a result,
this will improve the overall quality and integrity of the program as
an instructional tool for undergradute choral music education students.
There are six evaluation categories. Select the appropriate icon below for the type of evaluation you have been requested to participates in, for your area of expertise. Once you have reviewed the evaluation instructions you may proceed with the evaluation. You MUST use the evaluation instruments provided for each stage of the evaluation. Once you complete the evaluation follow the directions provided to submit your responses. Additionally, we'd like to note that there maybe a delay in the synchronization of video and audio due to the fact that we are deliverying this evaluation via the Internet and we have not thoroughly tested the prototype for full delivery via the Web (typically we would have sent out CD-ROM prototype packets to each evaluator). We are conducting this evaluation via the Web due to time constraints for completing this evaluation for the Master Poster Session, which will be held July 27th. We apologize for this delay. Thank you again for your cooperation. Also, please note that you will need a high speed Internet connection (such as DSL, T1, T3, etc...) in order to view the training prototype. Please note that Phase One of our formative evaluation has been completed. |
© 2002 Tammé McCowin |